sábado, 16 de octubre de 2021

Revista Hostosiana

Revista Hostosiana # 17


On Wednesday, October 27th 2021, 5:00- 6:30pm, you are cordially invited to a virtual presentation and discussion of the new issue of Hostos Review/Revista Hostosiana 17 entitled, "De las condiciones negras: un diálogo entre el Caribe francófono y el Caribe hispano/ Des conditiones noires: un dialogue entre les Caraïbes francophones et hispanophones/ Black Conditions: A French-Spanish Caribbean Dialogue."

This issue of the journal, compiled by guest editors Reynolds Andújar (Governors State University) and Jean Jonassaint (Syracuse University) features various authors who reflect on the notions of blackness, colonialism and racism in the Caribbean and its diasporas. Most of the texts gathered are recent and unpublished, with a few being archival or previously published texts of special value.

During the virtual event, the guest editors will present the volume and the process of its making, and contributing authors will read brief excerpts from their literary pieces. Authors in attendance include Marie-Célie Agnant (Haiti-Canada), Kianny Antigua (Dominican Republic-US), Dominique Deblaine (Guadeloupe), Yaissa Jiménez (Dominican Republic), Lauristely Peña (Dominican Republic), Evelyne Trouillot (Haiti), Sherezada "Chiqui" Vicioso (Dominican Republic-US), as well as translator Asselin Charles (Haiti-Canada). The reading will be followed by a roundtable discussion and an exchange with the authors and the audience. The event will be moderated by the journal's Chief Editor, Inmaculada Lara-Bonilla, with President Daisy Cocco de Filippis and Provost Charles Drago offering welcoming remarks.

We hope you will consider joining us! Zoom Link to follow.

For more information on this event, please contact:

Professor Inmaculada Lara-Bonilla @ 

For more information about Hostos Review/ Revista Hostosiana and the Latin American Writers Institute (LAWI), please visit the Institute's websit<
https://lawi.commons.gc.cuny.edu>e or contact Professor Inmaculada Lara-Bonilla<http://ilarabonilla@hostos.cuny.edu/>.

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